The GCA process divides the Democratic base into audiences of three segments; each of

these segments is targeted using custom outreach tools. The segments are "active," "aware," and "supporters." Voters are put into these three segments based on their actions during the election and the work they do on campaigns. Using tools tailored to each segment, the process engages audience members. Based on their segment, audience members are encouraged to take different actions. All segments are reminded to vote on or before election day.
In the Democratic Party, the bulk of the work done in political campaigns is done by volunteers. GCA's segmented audience labels these volunteers as active. Active audience members are involved with the political process at different levels of the Democratic Party. Volunteer activities include things like phone banking, canvassing neighborhoods, hosting meet and greets, running fundraisers, and donating to political campaigns. The outreach to the active members of the audience is done in the initial stages of the GCA process. These audience members are recruited specifically for the neighborhood outreach campaign. The outreach tools for active members are memes announcing the start of the GCA process and personal outreach by the Democratic Committee chair and members. The purpose of GCA for these audience members is to get them plugged into the local Democratic committee.
During an election cycle, Democrats enjoy a of supporters who will socially support candidates and issues. In the GCA process, these audience members are called "aware." In their community and on social media, these aware members are vocal advocates for causes and candidates. Their support for the Democratic Party takes the form of low-dollar donations, signing nomination papers, engaging with social media posts, hosting a lawn sign, or pledging to support candidates. The outreach tools for these members are neighbor-to-neighbor, automated messaging, and social media campaigns. The civic and political engagement events create opportunities for the Democratic Committees to engage this segment of the audience.
Individual voters who consistently vote for Democrats but do not take part in the election process make up a sizable portion of the Democratic base. In the GCA audience, these voters are referred to as "supporters." Trying to reach this audience segment through normal political channels in off-election years is virtually impossible. Supporter audience members are busy; they have lives; they do not worry about politics 24/7. That's why neighbor-to-neighbor campaigns are so important. Social media campaigns occasionally reach them, but getting a personalized message from your neighbor asking you to get involved is far more effective. The goal of the GCA process for this segment of the audience is to make them aware of what the Democrats are doing and establish a communication channel with them.
The GCA's audience segmentation makes it possible for Democratic committees to provide a wide range of opportunities that engage every possible voter in the Democratic base. Civic engagement events are designed to engage supporters and educate voters by offering local volunteer opportunities. The political engagement events engage aware and active voters with nationally branded volunteer opportunities. The GCA process provides a path for voters to transition from supporters to active audience members weeks before the election.
To see the practical application of the GCA process in the 2022 election cycle, click here. Click Here